Ахтарьянова Альфия Вакильевна, старший воспитатель

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Сценарий проведения вечера песен и стихов на английском языке



МОУ ООШ д.Ишмуратово









проведения вечера песен и стихов

  на английском языке





Учитель английского языка: Ахтарьянова Альфия Вакильевна







2004-2005 уч.год


Зал празднично оформлен.

1вед. Good evening, ledi and gentlmens!

2вед. Good evening  dear fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, little sisters and brathers, teachers and pupils! We are glad to see you!

1вед. Welcome to see our performance!

Pupils of 2-4 classes sing f song “Say : “Hello!”

2вед. Galeeva Alis and Rafikova Aigul read a poem “Not Rashen I, was born at Russian

soil” (M. Karim)

  Alis:  Not Russian I, was born at Russian soil,

And now I speak my mind, being strong and free,

I drank the waters of great Russian rivers,

And grew up sturdy as the green oak-tree.

Proud of my life am I, and rightly so,

The Russian destiny is ours forever.

Four centures of heroism and glory

Have bound the roots of our two folk together.

Aigul:  I colled, and Moscow heard the vois of friendship,

And answered, strong even at that early time:

My Russian brather so noble,

Willingly joined his destiny with mine.

Not Russian, I was born on Russian soil

And I am proud that I breather Russian air.

Give me five lives, a single one like mine

Is equal to those five and mfny more.

(Translated by A.Miller)

1вед. Pupils of 5-8 classes sing a song “Alphabet”.

2вед. Pupils of 2-4 classes sing a song “Aluetta, little Aluetta”/

1вед. Pupils of 5-7 classes show us the perfoemance “The house in the wood.”

2вед. Pupils of 5-6 classes sing a songs “A super cat”, “Jilly and Doris”.

1вед. Pupils of 8 class sing a songs “We wish you a Merry Christmas” and “We shall live in peace”.

2вед. Our performans is finishing. Good bye, dear friends!

1вед. Good bye!

14 марта 2019 в 11:03

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