Ахтарьянова Альфия Вакильевна, старший воспитатель
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Реферат на тему: « Использование регионального компонента на уроках английского языка: «Мой родной край»Министерство образования и науки РБ Башкирский институт развития образования Кабинет иностранного языка
Реферат на тему: «Использование регионального компонента на уроках английского языка: "Мой родной край»
Выполнил: учитель английского языка МОУ ООШ д.Ишмуратово муниципального района Нуримановский район Республики Башкортостан Ахтарьянова Альфия Вакильевна
2006 год.
1. Introduction ……………………p.1 2. My native Bashkortostan ……....p.2-3 3. My capital ……………………...p.3-4 4. My native region ……………….p.4-7 • Geografical position • Industry • Lakes and rivers • Climate • Wildlife • Ecological problems 5. My village ………………………p.8-9 6. The history of my village ……….p.10-11 7. Conclusion ………………………р.11
1. Introduction. My name is Alfiya Akhtaryanova. I am from the village Ishmuratovo of Nurimanovsky district. I want to tell about my native land. 2. My native Bashkortostan. My native republic is Bashkortostan. It is independent entity within the renewed Russian Federation, in which it is incorporated on a voluntary and equal basis. As a sovereign Republic of Bashkortostan have its own state symbols: National Flag, National Emblem and national Anthem. The national Flag of the Republic is symbol of its state sovereignty, reflects its aspiration to be a democratic low-based state, readiness for political, socio-economic cooperation with all republics and states and, first of all, with the Russian Federation. The national Flag is a rectangular tricolor cloth with an emblem consisting of green, white and blue stripes of the same width and reverse sides. In the centre of the white stripe there is an emblem of golden colour – a circle, in centre of which there is a stylized kurai flower consisting of seven petals. The blue colour of the National Flag of Bashkortostan stands for the clarity, virtue and purity of the intentions of the republic’s peoples; the white one – for their peaceful disposition, openness, readiness for mutual cooperation; the green one – freedom, the eternity of life. The kurai flower is a symbol of friendship, its seven petals, placed in the centre of the white stripe, symbolized seven kinds who stated the consolidation and unification of the people of Bashkortostan on its territory. The national emblem of Bashkortostan is symbol of the state sovereignty of the Republic , reflects the aspiration of its people for freedom their courage, nobility and fidelity to their duty. The National Emblem of Bashkortostan is a picture of the monument to Salawat Yulaev against the background of the rising sun and its rays put in a circle framed with a national ornament. Below there is a kurai, a ribbon of the National Flag of Bashkortostan with the inscription “Bashkortostan” on a white ground. The Supreme representative and the sole legislative body on the territory of Bashkortostan is the state Assembly, locally referred to as “The Kurultai of Bashkortostan”, the Head of State is the President of the Republic. Murtaza Rakhimov is a President of Bashkortostan now. Bashkortostan is situated in the Southern Urals, forming a border between Europe and Asia. The Ural is called the pearl of Russia, and we may say that our native Bashkortostan is the pearl of the Southern Urals. Its total area is 143.6 thousand sq. km, the population exceeds 4 million people. There 20 cities and 41 towns in the republic comprising 51rural areas here as administrative units. The capital of Bashkortostan is the city Ufa. 3. My capital. Ufa was founded in 1574 as a small fortress “to procure shelter and protection from the foe”, as is quoted in the old chronicles. Only 10 years after its foundation, Ufa was granted the status of a town and became an administrative center of Bashkiria. In 1922 the city becomes the capital of the Bashkir Republic within Russian Federation. The city of Ufa is a noted industrial, scientific and cultural center not only of Bashkortostan but that of Russia. Ufa is surrounded by the Belaya (Agidel), the Dyoma and Ufa rivers. 4. My native district. • Geografical position. Nurimanovsky district was founded in 1930. Our region is situated on the north-eastern part of Bashkortostan. The first inhabitants chose one of the most beautiful and richest corner of the Earth. They say that at the beginning of the 20th century N.K. Krupskaya visited our place and called it the “Russian Switzerland” for its beauty. Really my district is rich in hills covered with forests, lakes and rivers. The center of my district is a village Krasnaya Gorka which is near 100 kilometers from Ufa. It is situated on the bank of the river Karaidel (Ufimka). Our district stretches from the north to the south for 80 km, from the west to the east up to 20-50km. It borders with Iglinsky district in the south, Karaidelsky - in the north, Blagovechensky - in the west, Salavatsky, Duvansky – in the east. Our nearest neighbour is the town Asha of Tchelyabinsky region. The district can be divided into two zones. • Industry. The important industryis a hydroelectric station in Pavlovka which built in 1954-1959. It is a huge building. There is much water everywhere. It covers a tettitiry of 140 km. Today it is difficalt to imagine our life without electricity. The people of the other profession also live here: the workes of oil and gas industry, woodcutters. • Lakes and rivers. Our district is rich in lakes and rivers. Nearly all the rivers take their beginning from the main river Karaidel or Ufimka as many people call it. It’s one of the river Agidel (Belaya). It takes its start from the hill Jurma of the Tchelyabinsk region and is finished by Ufa. You can see many ships on the river in summer. The other lake I want to mention about is the Krasny Kluch, some people call it spring. The water is coming from the underground and flows into the river Ufimka. It is very clean. The first name of it was Bely Kluch.You can buy our water in the shops. It is very tasty, isn’t it? The well-known manufacturer Muller had started his own business here. He used the power of water to produce package paper from the local resource – the trees were grown all around. The second famous lake is i Sarva in the village with the same name. The lake is very deep and temperature of water is not changed all year around. So it is not covered with ice even in winter. If you throw the stone into it you can see its falling at the bottom of 10-12 meters. The length of the river (it is a river and a lake at the same time) is 17 km and it flows into the river Saldybash. The third lake is Upkankul. It is very unique because of its water nuts which grow in it. It is rare and endangered plant. You can have a good rest near the lake. Many famous people visited it such as Ferin M.A. – the director of the engine-building factory of Ufa, Komarov V.M.- the hero of the Soviet Union and cosmonaut. There is no need to name all the rivers. Most of them are small. There are no high mountains in our district, but only hills, covered with trees. • Climate. The climate of my district is rather continent with distinguished seasons of the year. The winter is cold, the summer is hot. Much rainfall is in August and September. The average temperature July is +25 C and -18 C in January. So I can say that the climate is not ideal at all and it depends on the temperature, atmosphere and winds. Such climate influences the agricultural industry very much. • Wildlife. Our district is rich in forests which play important role in people’s life. The trees serve as a tumbling and house-building material and for other aims also. The whole territory of our district is good for keeping bees. Nurimanovsky honey is famous everywhere. There are more than 100 kinds of different grass and herbal plants for that the bees can gather honey. You can also pick up berries and mushrooms in our forests. The wildlife is characterized by great differencies and amount of the species. You can meet a wolf, abear, a fox and many other kinds of animals and birds. • Ecological problems. Unfortunately the wildlife is losing greatness: you can rarely see the swans in the lakes, many kinds of fish had disappeared because of bared banks of the rivers and lakes. You have hardly ever seen the sledges of many wild animals in the snow. I think people themselves are guity in destroying the nature. They want to reseive much more benefits from it. Among the environmental problems are: the illegal hunting, the forests are cutting down – the homeplace of many birds are disturbed. The water is polluted by the chemical wastes and there are a lot of little which are stayed after the outings to the forest. In early ties the otters lived in our place. They were destroyed because of their valuable fur. There fewer hazel grouses and partridges in our forests. At the end of 50 raccoons and wild boars were brought in to our meadows and forests. It is pleasant to wath their increasing. 5. My village. My village is situated not far from Ufa. It is a quiet village surrounded by field and woods. The landscape is very rich. In the middle of the village the river Yanaldy flows and divides it in two parts. It name is Yanaldy, because a man was drowned in it during the flood. The name of this river is translated into English as “the river took his soul”. Two streams fall into this river. Their names are Kazbash (it means “a head of a goose”) and Asylbatkan ( it means “Asyl came down into it”). On the bank of of Yanaldy the mountain Murjaly-taw is situated. It name is translated as “stovely mountain”. Many years ago a real stove was in this mountain and villagers baked bread in it. The fauna of my village is also rather diverse. Bears, foxes, wolves, hedgehogs, moles, mace, lynxes and other animals can be found in the forests and fields. 6. History of my village. More 150 years ago Ishbulatov Ishmurat from the village Starokulevo disided to settle in the village Krasnaya Gorka. But the land in Krasnaya Gorka was expencive and he didn’t buy it, because he wanted to receive the land free. Then he decided to settle on the bank of the river Yanaldy, because he liked this place. In 1822 he built the house and settled with his family here. Eight years later his brothers Sitdik and Sadyk came to him and settled here too. At present time their descendants form basic population of our village and the village was named in honour of Ishbulatov Ishmurat. The people of that time were hardworking, hospitable, friendly and courageous. Their main occupation was the cattle-breading, agriculture, fishing and hunting. They had to overcame many things. Friends and neighbours came to help without any reward. They helped to built houses each other and fought with fires together. There were no literate people in Ishmuratovo and only in 1870 mullah Murzagali built the first school. And in 1930 an elementary school opened in our village. The first teacher was Asadullin Mukhtar. In 1931-39 all of the villagers became the members of the collective farm. When Great Patriotic War began, majority of our countrymans fought against invaders to defend the independence of their land. In that time Safina Fagilya was a director of elementary school. In 1949 a principle school was founded by Valiev Midkhat. Khairetdinov Chingiz was a director of the school after Valiev Midkhat. Bashirov Nuriman was a director of the school in 1962-1976. Badretdinova Najiya was a director of the school in 1976-1983. Tagirov Mukhammet was a director of the school in 1983-1998. Kutdusova Zilya was a director of the school in 1998-2006. And now Tagirov Mukhammet is a director of the school. This year in Ishmuratovo a social-cultural centre was built, it includes a principle school, a club, a library and surgery. Our president Murtaza Rakhimov visited our school in this year. Welcome to Ishmuratovo, it is worth of seeng! 7. Conclusion Межкультурная коммуникация как «диалог культур» может быть реализована исключительно на знании наследия собственного народа, национальной культуры, родного языка. Именно использование краеведения поможет учащемуся стать настоящим гражданином, как своей страны, так и мира. Однако в практике использование краеведческих материалов в процессе обучения иностранному языку учителя испытывают серьёзные затруднения, связанные с отсутствием методических материалов. Страноведение нашей страны, и в особенности, её отдельных регионов в учебниках представлено недостаточно
Amosova T.U.,Nasretdinov C.K. “Native land”/ Ufa, 2 14 марта 2019 в 11:23
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